Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger
Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers Manufacturer INDIA
We are the leading manufacturers of Air heat exchangers in India.
Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers represent the most compact, rugged and cost-effective means of transferring heat in many industrial and refrigerant applications. Built from 316 stainless steel with copper brazing materials, they provide exceptional corrosion resistance. The SB-Series features corrugated plates that produce highly turbulent flow in a true counter-current direction.
This results in high efficiency and a very compact heat exchanger design. Due to the smaller size and reduced material content, they can be the most economical heat transfer choice.API Heat Transfer Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers are available for process and refrigeration applications. Made from stainless-steel plates and copper or nickel brazing materials, they are suitable for a wide variety of heat exchanger applications
Applications :
Hydronic heating
Domestic hot water heating
Radiant heating
Snow & ice melting
Chilled water cooling
Beer & wort chilling
Hydraulic oil cooling
Outdoor wood furnaces/stoves/boilers and other water to water and liquid to liquid heat transfer applications.
Advantages :
Flexibility to change plate arrangement and to add or remove plate
Optimized heat recovery
Easy maintenance and suitable for CIP, plate pack easily accessible
No mixing of product
High heat transfer coefficients
Compact constructions